Of course one has to decide on whatever choices one makes.
You decide whether anything is worth trying,and hopefully you try before you buy.
But if you've already made up your mind and refuse to try something just because you know there can be no difference,that doesn't prove anything to you or anyonelse if there is a difference or not.
It's just an opinion based on the opinions of others with the same mindset as yours.
So who is following the Pied Piper?
We are all followers,if indeed we are in this hobby for anything more than to kick back and enjoy the tunes.
Which I feel is the more recent take on this hobby.
It wasn't this way when I started out, and old habits are hard to change.
Those habits ,like critically evaluating one component to the next(without measurements or DBLT)were all I had back then as now.
I am quite certain that a chunk of wire compared to a stock fuse will pass a square wave,as will an esoteric fuse.
But can those measurements show the differences between each?
If the square wave for the solid chunk of wire is better than for the others, and I find that it also sounds better, then my ears must be good measuring devices.
If there is no measurable differences between any of them, and I hear differences,am I better than the machine?
There's so much more to this than just assembling a system according to how well they spec out.
Simple things like a fuse,do have an effect,I've heard it, and way before there were esoteric fuses, I bypassed the stock ones, not because they measured better,but just because it sounded better.
Had I not done so,I would have never guessed that it would.
If I had a measuring device and it measured the same as the fuse then I would have stayed with the fuse and the protection it provided.
One doesn't have to listen to everything,most of the time substitutes to the esoteric stuff are right at your fingertips.
You don't have to spend a penny.
You have a choice to just listen to the tunes as they are and not try anything to improve the sound.
Or you can try and improve that sound.
You have the choice.
But the more times you decide to try something,and it works, the more you are prone to try other things.
If you are not prone to experimenting with the simple things, and instead feel that it makes more sense to buy something new than improve what you have, then you will always follow that path.
I wonder about the negative comments some have made when a tweak doesn't meet their expectataions.
Were those expectations too high in the first place?
Were they expecting to transform a sows ear into a silk purse?
Was there something in their system that wasn't functioning properly that was obscurring any differences,a blockage of somesort? A lack of attention to some small trivial detail,something that shouldn't make a difference?
It's all about the details and small stuff, because when you add them all up,they do make a difference to the end sound.
One thing that is indisputable is that in my experience, everytime I improved my sound, my enjoyment of the music was increased.
And as far as I know,there isn't a device that can measure how much more I am enjoying it.
You decide whether anything is worth trying,and hopefully you try before you buy.
But if you've already made up your mind and refuse to try something just because you know there can be no difference,that doesn't prove anything to you or anyonelse if there is a difference or not.
It's just an opinion based on the opinions of others with the same mindset as yours.
So who is following the Pied Piper?
We are all followers,if indeed we are in this hobby for anything more than to kick back and enjoy the tunes.
Which I feel is the more recent take on this hobby.
It wasn't this way when I started out, and old habits are hard to change.
Those habits ,like critically evaluating one component to the next(without measurements or DBLT)were all I had back then as now.
I am quite certain that a chunk of wire compared to a stock fuse will pass a square wave,as will an esoteric fuse.
But can those measurements show the differences between each?
If the square wave for the solid chunk of wire is better than for the others, and I find that it also sounds better, then my ears must be good measuring devices.
If there is no measurable differences between any of them, and I hear differences,am I better than the machine?
There's so much more to this than just assembling a system according to how well they spec out.
Simple things like a fuse,do have an effect,I've heard it, and way before there were esoteric fuses, I bypassed the stock ones, not because they measured better,but just because it sounded better.
Had I not done so,I would have never guessed that it would.
If I had a measuring device and it measured the same as the fuse then I would have stayed with the fuse and the protection it provided.
One doesn't have to listen to everything,most of the time substitutes to the esoteric stuff are right at your fingertips.
You don't have to spend a penny.
You have a choice to just listen to the tunes as they are and not try anything to improve the sound.
Or you can try and improve that sound.
You have the choice.
But the more times you decide to try something,and it works, the more you are prone to try other things.
If you are not prone to experimenting with the simple things, and instead feel that it makes more sense to buy something new than improve what you have, then you will always follow that path.
I wonder about the negative comments some have made when a tweak doesn't meet their expectataions.
Were those expectations too high in the first place?
Were they expecting to transform a sows ear into a silk purse?
Was there something in their system that wasn't functioning properly that was obscurring any differences,a blockage of somesort? A lack of attention to some small trivial detail,something that shouldn't make a difference?
It's all about the details and small stuff, because when you add them all up,they do make a difference to the end sound.
One thing that is indisputable is that in my experience, everytime I improved my sound, my enjoyment of the music was increased.
And as far as I know,there isn't a device that can measure how much more I am enjoying it.