You may hear similarities in speakers, a house sound from Magnepan, and while all the Maggies strive for 100% accuracy,you can still hear that they all perform differently.
Striving for 100% by measurements, doesn't mean the same sound.
You can get many different types of speakers to measure 100% accuracy or at least close to it,but some folks would find that too Sterile,Harsh and not warm and cuddly.
The same as you can measure capacitors and make sure that they all meet the same specs, but why then do they not all sound the same?
Why does a 300B tube sound different than an el35, el84, or 845?
They all meet spec measusrements, yet each one can change the sound of the amp they are in, and each have certain tonal characteristics that differentiate them.
All the "fusers" are stating is that all fuses do not sound the same either.
Whether your gear would benefit or not, I can't say.
What I can say is that attention to the small stuff pays off in the end.
It's cumulative.
If I were you,before I bought any fuses or any new wires or changed anything in your system, I would address the power going into your set up.
Specifically, dedicated power lines.
If you start to clean things up at the panel and work towards your speakers,you'll start to hear differences and make sense of all this voodoo.
It's like cleaning your eyeglasses.
You never realized how dirty they were until you cleaned them.
All the while you thought you could see good enough before you cleaned them.
Same as audio.
Striving for 100% by measurements, doesn't mean the same sound.
You can get many different types of speakers to measure 100% accuracy or at least close to it,but some folks would find that too Sterile,Harsh and not warm and cuddly.
The same as you can measure capacitors and make sure that they all meet the same specs, but why then do they not all sound the same?
Why does a 300B tube sound different than an el35, el84, or 845?
They all meet spec measusrements, yet each one can change the sound of the amp they are in, and each have certain tonal characteristics that differentiate them.
All the "fusers" are stating is that all fuses do not sound the same either.
Whether your gear would benefit or not, I can't say.
What I can say is that attention to the small stuff pays off in the end.
It's cumulative.
If I were you,before I bought any fuses or any new wires or changed anything in your system, I would address the power going into your set up.
Specifically, dedicated power lines.
If you start to clean things up at the panel and work towards your speakers,you'll start to hear differences and make sense of all this voodoo.
It's like cleaning your eyeglasses.
You never realized how dirty they were until you cleaned them.
All the while you thought you could see good enough before you cleaned them.
Same as audio.