Hifi Man Sundaras!

If you are into treble and can do open back, I highly recommend the Sundaras.  I just picked up a pair and am loving them.  Just wow!  For the $, well worth it.  They’re making me strongly consider some magnepans.  Does anyone have sundaras and magnepan lrs by any chance?  
Anyhow, just great little cans for not much $!

@deep_333  FWIW I was able to drive my HE400S (98dB sensitivity) with an AQ Dragonfly Red.  The Sundaras are 92dB but still may be worth a shot if you can return the Dragonfly just in case.  Not surprisingly sound quality was significantly improved over using the 3.5mm jack from my iPhone/iPad if that’s your benchmark (I use Qobuz as a source BTW).  Incidentally I got a significant bump in performance for not much incremental $$$ by swapping the Apple Camera Adapter for one from LavriCables — very worthwhile upgrade IME.  Hope this helps somewhat. 

@deep_333  FWIW I was able to drive my HE400S (98dB sensitivity) with an AQ Dragonfly Red.  The Sundaras are 92dB but still may be worth a shot if you can return the Dragonfly just in case.  Not surprisingly sound quality was significantly improved over using the 3.5mm jack from my iPhone/iPad if that’s your benchmark (I use Qobuz as a source BTW).  Incidentally I got a significant bump in performance for not much incremental $$$ by swapping the Apple Camera Adapter for one from LavriCables — very worthwhile upgrade IME.  Hope this helps somewhat. 

@soix . Thanks, i have an older dragonfly somewhere...will check it out.

I have closed back Sundaras and LRS. There is something about planars that sets the musicians free.