HiFi newbie - Thoughts on pairing vintage amp with modern speakers/TT?

Hi I’m new to the space and have been learning a ton from this site, so thank you all.

Am curious if anyone has a view on whether it makes sense to pair a vintage Sansui 9090db amp with my Devore O93 speakers and Rega P3 TT. That particular Sansui model is what my dad had while I was growing up so there would be some sentimental value if I could acquire one on the secondhand market (approx $1500 for good working condition) and I love the look of them too. Or would that be an odd pairing and should I just move fwd with picking up a modern tube amp (currently looking at Line Magnetic 508ia)? Any thoughts/other considerations I should factor in?

Appreciate that the vintage vs. modern debate has been covered in other threads. Am curious about these specific amps though. Many thanks in advance for any and all assistance!

I've never heard the Sansui amps but have to believe they are good. It seems like the Japanese high end equipment was very good at the time they were made. I used to own a Yamaha B1 power amp that was an absolute treasure. If you decide to go another direction, there are a few class A power amps out there that are great for <$1500. Forte Model 1A or Model 4. Sumo Nine. Stax DA80 (another Japanese amp). The speakers you own are fairly efficient, so any of those should work well with them. Although I own a half dozen tube amps, I agree with roberjerman's logic in that regard, for exactly the reasons he states. 
The Line Magnetic amp has an output impedance of several ohms! It will not have a flat response into the 093's (or any speakers with a frequency dependent impedance curve). Ohm's Law rules here! Essentially the LM amp will act as a tone control with any speakers that have a non-flat impedance! A fact that the tube cultists will try to hush up! 
The Sansui 9090 is an excellent amp and will work well with your 093's. I'd prefer it over a tube amp (better reliability long-term). Don't let the tube cultists try to dissuade you from buying the 9090! A tube amp starts to wear out from the minute it is turned on! Present day replacement tubes are neither as reliable nor sounding as good as tubes made during the Golden Age (40's to the 60's). I own many vintage tube amps. But I will always try to steer a newcomer away from involvement with tubes because of the hassles and problems with an obsolete technology! I await the condemnation of the tube cultists!