HiFi-Tuning German fuses opinion

I want to know if anybody tried and recomend to upgrade standar fuses and move to HIFI Tuning Silver/Gold. Please let me know your opinion and in which components do you really recomend to put them or in which ones you listened the differences.
Althought they are not expensive (for an audio accesories) and donĀ“t want to spend my money for nothing.

Search the archives and you will no doubt stumble upon some useful info concerning the HiFi fuses.
If you want to see if they make a difference in your rig, without investing too much, then I would suggest start with your CDP. I say this because usually it will only take one. Whereas an amp will take multiple.
Just make sure you get the right value fuse.
Hi - this spawned one of the longest threads ever last year - well worth searching the archives for.

That said, IMHO this is one of the no brainer upgrades of all times. I have put these in amps, pres and subs. OK, in my sub it was a waste. Everywhere else the difference is obvious within the first couple of minutes. I would characterize it as another level of ease and refinement - not always subtle but that depends a bit on the pieces.

For the money, its a no-brainer.
Yes, they work, althogh I think they'e overpriced. I bought two for my SET monoblocks and the improvement was so obvious that I bought 3 more for my linestage (uses 2) and phonostage. New clarity and openness were the most aparent benefits.
I use one in my Neiro and one in my M7. I think they allow you to hear a bit more of what your equipment is saying. Inexpensive for the improvement
To get part of the improvement try standard ceramic fusses, they always seem a little better than the glass versions and are sooo much cheaper.