High current or high wattage amps

I have somewhat difficult to drive speakers 86db 6ohm, the manufacturer of the speakers recommends about 200 watts to "open up" the speakers for the best performance. One amplifier manufacturer recommends higher current amps as being more important than the high wattage with the more difficult speakers. If my listening levels are not loud and the room is not large (16x30x7) is current a more important consideration?
I won't embarass myself in talking tech but I just solved a major problem involving wattage. I own dunlavy V's and had poor sound with 250 plus Wolcott amps. I tried to remedy this with VTL 750's and the sound was the same. I called Dunlavy and they told me to try the Aloia amps which they were going to use as their reference. At 30 watts a channel I was super skeptical. I was awestruck when I heard the control of this speaker. Aloia told me that the inductive power supply is the key to providing clean current. Current is what moves the voice coils of the speaker.
Snook: Couldn't find info on Aloia's any link you might suggest? Any hints on their price? Thanks
sol322 You may e-mail me at drfish941@msn.com for info. The amps cost around 4k with the inductive power. I used one and had great sound then I tried bi-amping was awestruck with the soundstage. I also sold a CAT ultimate preamp and got a Aloia. Also a steal at around 4k