High end bookshelf speakers for Small room

I have to downsize my listening room. Looking to get a pair of bookshelf speakers for a room size 13x14 which has furniture carpet and I plan to do some acoustic treatment if needed. Would love to get some subs as well. Currently I have rels510 which might be too much for this small room.. 

My audio chain - Aurender N20, dCS Rossini + clock, luxman509z amp. 

Music preference - Acoustic, rock, pop, piano, instrumental.. pretty much different genres. 

Sound preference - bold close to you vocals, clean detailed sound. Slightly warm is fine. 

Current candidates - TAD ME/CE, Joseph audio pulsar2, dynaaudio, Sonia Faber.. 

Any inputs here are much appreciated.. thanks in advance



Definitely give the Raidho X1 or X1.6 models a listen to. At a very comfortable price point the new EPOS ES-7N which allow placement close to walls.
Also, Fyne F1-5 or F1.8 depending on how much bass you want or your room can handle.


A world class speaker my 1st choice for around $16 k the MBL -126 omnidirectional  Loudspeaker even off axis  sounds the same has the exact same tweeter and midrange as in their top 101 floorstand  Loudspeaker.

the superb  TAD monitors starting $32k

the New Borresen  Loudspeaker line around $27k

I have a 509Z paired with these: Fritz Carrera BE Specifications (fritzspeakers.com)

Call Fritz and ask his recommendation. I gave up my Harbeth SHL5s for these and am not looking back. I also use an Aurender A20 for streaming/DAC. My analogue system is a Thorens TD-1601 with an Ortofon Cadenza Blue which is nearly a perfect match for the phono stage in the 509Z.