2nd pc, My new, second High Fidelity Cables- Ultimate Reference Rhodium power cord is already making huge improvements with only a few days on it. ( I think it needs about 400 hours) to magnetically align the electrons. (NOTE: - Non ferris materials can become reactive to magnetism if there are electrons flowing thru it.) Moreso, an electron beam can be attracted or repulsed by magnetic fields. (see cathode ray tube experiments since the year 1850)
The sound… hard to describe without hearing it or at least some HF magnetic gear but there is low level detail not possible with conventional wire. This vast abundance of details, once lost in the noise floor of standard wire, creates tones, and soundstage images
far beyond the experience of electrical only systems. (I'd never go back..) So, If I say the tone, purity and soundstage is Amazing!, and you've only heard Amazing electrical, You still have no idea what I meant. Sorry you'd have to hear it. I can say that serious audio people who go to all the audio shows and visit the best systems in the country said my system was a very rare gem. As I stated in an earlier post, I plugged this URR power cord into my amp. coming from My Mag filter, The HF UR WGPC. so from wall to amp it is URR-WGPF-URR.
The magnetic effect is additive.
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