Second report on third HF-URR Power cord. These babies do things I've never imagined possible. They make every component sounds like it has been replaced with a greatly superior piece of gear, in every aspect audiophiles are searching for.
I added the 3rd URR to my CD player. Since most of its functions are
supplied power from a bank of batteries, I thought it might not make much of a difference… WRONG!!! Very Wrong!!. Again another URR here gives my system another remarkable upgrade. Even though it runs mostly the drive motor in the CD, every aspect of realism, purity and effortlessness HUGE improvements!!! Makes me wonder what one URR would do to a turntable motor power supply??????? When I took the 3rd out it was much less magical, enthralling, intimate, awe inspiring. And that is starting with a sound that impresses everyone
including the most ardent audio nuts. 3rd back in (sigh of relief as my whole body relaxes with effortless, shockingly real sound). An amazing journey into previously unimagined realms of superior audio reproduction. Unfortunately, no words will let any who has not heard
comprehend. Fortunately, we all CAN hear them!