High Fidelity Cables?

I’ve noticed for the past week or so, that my favorite cable manufacturer, High Fidelity Cables, is closed due to Covid.  Anyone know anything more?




You’re not the only one to confuse RICK and RIC, who owns TweakAudio/EVS, who modifies a lot of kit as well as sells some tweaks

FYI, I bought Graphene Enhanced Contact Enhancer from Mad Scientist Audio, who has US distribution, but orders go through their www. I had a sample of RICKs Graphene Contact liquid, and they look and apply identically, BUT, a 2oz bottle from MSA is only $75!

I am amazed with the results


Yes, Cable Company has always distributed HFC products and now the Q45. What I'm wondering is the Mad Scientist contact enhancer a good copy or did Rick license his formula. I doubt the latter.

Lowrider57 NASAMAN Agoners has a good comparison post on the Mad Scientist and q45 enhancer. Check it out.