High Fidelity Cables?

I’ve noticed for the past week or so, that my favorite cable manufacturer, High Fidelity Cables, is closed due to Covid.  Anyone know anything more?


So @theaudiotweak what is the new flavor of cable lube? Rick is still making his liquid audio gold and selling it through on US outlet. Did you find a better cable elixir?



You’re not the only one to confuse RICK and RIC, who owns TweakAudio/EVS, who modifies a lot of kit as well as sells some tweaks

FYI, I bought Graphene Enhanced Contact Enhancer from Mad Scientist Audio, who has US distribution, but orders go through their www. I had a sample of RICKs Graphene Contact liquid, and they look and apply identically, BUT, a 2oz bottle from MSA is only $75!

I am amazed with the results


Yes, Cable Company has always distributed HFC products and now the Q45. What I'm wondering is the Mad Scientist contact enhancer a good copy or did Rick license his formula. I doubt the latter.