High Fidelity Cables?

I’ve noticed for the past week or so, that my favorite cable manufacturer, High Fidelity Cables, is closed due to Covid.  Anyone know anything more?



Yes, Cable Company has always distributed HFC products and now the Q45. What I'm wondering is the Mad Scientist contact enhancer a good copy or did Rick license his formula. I doubt the latter.

Lowrider57 NASAMAN Agoners has a good comparison post on the Mad Scientist and q45 enhancer. Check it out.

I found the Nano Flo product superior to others I have tried.

It was available for a short time before its maker decided to remove it from the market. I recognized its qualities and made a decision to buy twice as much that I needed to treat all external connections so I could also treat all internal connections.  Makes a great difference heard immediately and improves over days. Easiest and cleanest to apply. Hope this product comes back tto life and to the  forefront it deserves. Tom