High Output Preamp for First Watt SIT-3?

I'm new to the audiophile world and recently purchased a First Watt SIT-3 with Magnepan .7s.  I have a Mytek Brooklyn Bridge for streaming, though I prefer to play vinyl with my Mofi Ultradeck.  The Mytek serves as the phono stage (69dB gain for MM?), and I don't use a preamp;  the Brooklyn is connected directly to the First Watt. 

I understand that the SIT-3 is only 11.5 dB of gain, and that's extremely low compared to most amps.  I like most everything about the system except for the fact that I have the Mytek maxed out volume-wise many days.  Certain LPs are cut quieter, and I wish I had more power.  There are times streaming where the Maggies aren't getting to their sweet spot.  I realize the Maggies are a lower sensitivity speaker. 

What should I look for in a preamp to fully drive the SIT-3?  Eventually, I'd like to replace the phono stage instead of relying on the Brooklyn.  Is there a tube preamp featuring a phono stage with sufficient output to drive my amp in the $4k range?  Otherwise, I'm eyeing the Modwright PH 9.0 and a linestage preamp, realizing that this will probably be costlier.  I'm looking for a warm sound, not analytical but engaging. 

Any help is greatly appreciated.  I'm a working musician with a basic understanding of related electronics but little experience in this world. 

Look at the Tetraspeakers.com site and any other Audio Industry.
I have known some top level Grammy winning artists. They normally do not involve themselves with any commercial enterprises unless they art financially invested (with the occasional exception of instruments from large companies). Tetra sells retail to all endorsing artists except Keith Richards for whom Adrian made a custom pair of Tetras for him to take on the road.

Thanks atmosphere,

The replies  from Al and joeinid (per Nelson Pass comments) were  clarifying explanations.


I don't know if this is in any way helpful.  I built the DIY version of the First Watt M2X.  I used my Cary SLP-98P preamp with it.  Lots of gain with front-panel level adjusters for each channel.  It sounded great.
There is an incredible level of "shoot from the hip" commentary about the SIT-3 and the Maggie 0.7 pairing. Yes - Maggies are notorious for being a tough load. But - as Vladimir Lamm put it to me a long time ago, "it's not about the watts , it's about the current". For those of you interested, I connected my SIT-3 to a pair of 20.7's I own and while they didn't blow the doors down, they ran the Maggies to satisfying levels. Earlier comments are spot on - Herb Reichert (whom I respect as a straight shooting reviewer), did in fact say the 0.7/SIT-3 combination was fantastic. So did Steve Guttenberg. So, armchairs reviewers can take a back seat to those of us who have actually experienced the combination. Several posters here have heard the combination or own it - listen to them. Forget the rest.
I have owned 3 open baffle speakers I love/d 2 of them. Which one didn't I? Magnepan 3.5Rs. I tried so many things, biamping, then active XO. After 2 frustrating years I replaced them with Emerald Physics KCIIs (open baffle, super efficient and about half the height,

EP is getting ready to move their factory and is blowing out available inventory. See USAudiomart for a couple of gems for pennies on the dollar
