In my Coda CSIB integrated amp which is excellent stock
I made much better still the coupling cap is 1 uf ,I put a Jupiter copper foil in there
that was a major upgrade from the stock Rel caps , I felt to make it optimum I tried adding a .047uf vh audio bypass cap which for sure is very transparent and close to ideal but lacks a bit of naturalness, the solution was the DuelUnd JDM .047 uf Silver foil paper,oil cap it is huge for its size but just fits give it a solid 75 hours to start settling in ,it is fantastic in the coupling position of the circuit on the outputs .
i have been using Duelund for years and these new JDM are their best to date very detailed and still naturally smooth .
which btw is their biggest bypass capacitor ,$220 for 2 ,but worth Every penny !!