I have found tweaks to be insipid in comparison to the gains from superior components, cables and speakers.
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Home Theater Done Right: Millercarbon's System
What is a superior component? There is 3 levels of price quality... Any components in each rung of this level are almost equivalent, modulo some little differences... For example the Zotl Berning amplifier is a superior electronic component compared to my Sansui AU 7700, on another rung than it, but I can assure you that the S.Q I create by controllings the 3 embeddings are so much, than my inferior electronic component is not too much backward in S.Q. not equal for sure but at his peak level the Sansui is very good but sound like ordinary in a non controlled embeddings...This Sansui is one of the best Sansui ever made tough...A Berning amplifier in a non treated embeddings will not soud at his peak level either... I just want to say that when we speaks about "tweaks" people think most of the times about something that accompany marginally the efficiency of their audio system, a tweak being something that increase what is already there... 1-But is the controlled of the mechanical embeddings of an audio system, 2-The varied acoustical treatment of our room, 3-The cleaning of all the electrical grid of a house and of the gear itself, rightly done and implemented, are only some tweaks added to the Audio system for a slightly better audio experience? Absolutely not at all...The methods pertaining to these 3 embeddings TRANSFORM COMPLETELY the audio system, at any price, and does not only increase slightly a S.Q already there by virtue of the electronic component quality by itself. No I will repeat it: it transform it completely. Perhaps there is exception to this rule, but most of the times this rule apply, and I dont know any exception myself... |
I also share the opinion that HT done right means that you absolutely have to have a center channel. There is a loss of cohesion when you try to use a left/right for phantom center, and it actually causes the dialog to be harder to understand. The surround speakers can be optional, but they do add a depth to the sound experience. I sat in the Synergistic room at RMAF for 20 minutes (trapped in a closed door demo). The HFT transducers did absolutely nothing to the sound. Also, while the equipment was purposely chosen to be poor sounding equipment with hiss and ground humm, it actually sounded better with all that other Synergistic equipment "turned off". |
millercarbon OP2,850 posts02-01-2020 2:47pm"....Dive weights.... Discovered years ago mass not only dampens vibration it also improves dynamics and slam and bass extension. Not to mention some stuff like the Oppo is so darn light and power cords so stiff it helps things stay put." Vibration/resonance control on the cheap. I like it! |