Horn speakers , high efficiency but not “shouty”

I am interested in a high efficiency horn with SET AMPS, in a 12 ft by 18 ft room. 9 ft ceiling .
I have narrowed my choices down to Charney audio Excalibur http://charneyaudio.com/the-companion-excalibur.html
and rethm maarga v2
would appreciate input from any one who has heard the above speakers or someone who has a similar system . 
listening choices are vocal music , no classical music.
Very rarely might want my system to play loud party music .(extremely rare ) does not have to play it like solid state system. Thanks in advance 

I think we need a technical description of "shouty." A lot of sounds in nature could be described as shouty and a lot of speakers can't produce them with the lifelike intensity that a horn speaker can. Maybe it's the inability to shout regardless of source material that some people really want. A softer, dimmer, more pastel presentation can be easier on the ear while still providing a highly detailed insight into the music.  

comparing just a couple.
the auditorium 23 cinema hommage and the line magnetic 812 .
the line magnetic was shouty and loud , the auditorium sounded open , easy , natural not shouty .
I am trying to find a speaker with a similar balance to auditorium but a lesser price point ... 
I would agree with Larry on the Charney's they are really lovely sounding speakers and not peaky or shouty at all. I would also recommend the Volti Rival's also a really composed sounding hornspeaker.