Horning owners what amps have you used?

Just curious what amps other owners, or previous owners, of the Aristoteles, Eufrodite, Agathon or Perikles have used. Chime in even if you don't own these speakers but have an opinion.

I know most everyone has heard these speakers with the TRON Discovery or Telstar at RMAF and the 211 is heavenly IMO, but way out of my price range.

I have the Aristoteles Zigma and a Thoress 300B SET (8w). I love it, but like anyone else who is possessed with sound addiction, as Neil says: rust never sleeps.

Has anyone used anything less than 8 watts? Or more power like a 300B PP or 845? I do have a Berning ZH270, and unlike a fellow Audiogon-er who had the ZH230 and Eufrodite and thought highly of the match, the ZH270 sound is not my thing.
Charles1dad, I would say if Dpe's results were truly excellent, this thread would not exist.

Holding the variables you mentioned constant, the 2A3 tube will most definitely eclipse the 300B in terms of low end response and impact.

Taking the Lowther route, Isochronism's Beauhorn Virtuosos would be a better match for a 300B amplifier than the Hornings. Not to say that a 300B amplifier won't drive the Hornings, it most certainly will. But neither are you going to get to hear all of the speaker you paid for.

Dpe, yes, I did hear the Deja Vu push-pull 2A3 amplifier with Horning loudspeakers. I recently had that combination in my second system for a couple of months. Though I told my buddy (a fellow Audiogoner) who lent it to me to never sell it, I'd say if you are interested, he'd be willing to talk. It was the best amp I've thus far mated to my Hornings. Not sure where you are located, but if you're within driving distance of Philadelphia, most likely we can put the combination back together for you to come and give a listen to.

When I say crazy volumes, I mean 110 - 120 dB with both ease and requisite slam. My only complaint, you pay for some of that bass the solid state rectification yields by sacrificing a bit of tube rectification sweetness and romance.

Being a push-pull amp, as opposed to SET, its output was closer to 15 watts than 5. The much underrated 2A3 used in this configuration will sound a lot more like the typical 30 - 35 watt per channel tube amp, and the seat of the pants feel of the Deja Vu with the three loudspeakers I used it with was actually more than my Dynaco ST70, with some seriously meaty low end. 2A3 (2 - 5 wpc) SET amps will never come anywhere close in terms of power or extension.
I must respectfully disagree with your 2A3/300b comparison, it just restatting the usual stereotypes(bass performance varies widely among 300b tubes and individual amps) Both are fine DHT tubes, one is`nt inherently better, Far too many choices of 300b(wide ranging quality) to neatly apply general characteristics. It you prefer the 2A3 no problem,it`s all subjective, I prefer the 300b. A high quality 300b amplifier SET or PP will drive the Horning wonderfully, as would a high quality 2A3(PP),211,845 etc.

The fact that Dpe is curious about other amps(who is`nt from time to time) does`nt mean he`s disatisfied with his current 300b amp(which he clearly indicates he is`nt).

IMO he should try other amps, he may find better or just different, maybe realize that his current set-up is best afterall, who knows.
Best Regards,
To me its the total design not just what tube the amplifier uses. I've heard weak bloated 2a3 wonderful strong 2a3 300b with no bass below 40hz and 300bs that are driving loudspeakers into 20hz.
Dpe, Read up on the Cary 805 monoblocks. They may do the trick for you. This is what led me to a pair:

I own/owned 45, 2a3, 300b and 845 amps. My favorite is a 300b (well designed of course). I have them mated to "proper" speakers in one of my systems. My other system has Magnepan 3.6's and I wanted to see if I could get any of the SET magic to play thru them. I was able to pull it off with the Cary 805 (Anniversary Edition). This model (the AE) uses a 300b to drive either an 845 or 211 and is rated at 50 wpc with the 845 and 70 with the 211. It does what I had hoped for.

A big part of it might be due to using the 300b tube as a driver. I know that I can hear changes when I have used different 300b's like the WE,KR,EML and Sophia Meshes. I was also suprised that I preferred the 211 to the 845 but I do like them both and it's nice being able to switch.

My Maggies are less efficient than your speakers but it worked for this 300b "SET" lover.
My point exactly, you could audtion 5 different 300b amps in the same system and they would sound nothing alike. I`ve heard 2A3 amps sound great and others crappy.

Onemug, I would`nt advise a 300b SET to drive Maggies, but the Horning is an entirely different story.But your point in the effect of various 300b tubes as a 'driver' is spot on.