W.r.t real instruments, it is harder to get to the tonal/timbral accuracy level of some TAD, Yamaha, Voxativ, older Schweikerts, Gershman (hit n miss), etc with alternate waveguide/compression driver offerings, ime/imo. Unless a guy spent a couple of decades nitpicking himself to death with a piano or a violin, he could enjoy the music with horns just fine.
If you are going with horns, other things are more important to you anyways. On that note, some JBLs are pretty good. If you eventually complain that the JBLs ain’t getting all the way there w.r.t the above mentioned, those Harman PhDs will argue you to death with scaa-ence anyways. They’ll claim that the musician’s ear is very biased. 😁
Cost no object: JBL Everest DD67000
Budget Restrictions: JBL HDI-3800