Hours sitting around just listening to music?

This is just a perception, but the folks I have met online who are audio/video enthusiasts (I think audiophile is such a pretentious term!) seem to spend more time buying and selling, posting on boards, reading reviews about what others think, and I never read anything about folks sitting in their "sweetspot" for hours listening to their favorite toons. Oh, I know folks who listen while they are lifting weights, reading, or doing something else. Seems to me if you are moving around or not concentrating, there is a whole lot of money being spent on pride alone.
I'm a lucky guy. I have no distractions except the ones I create. I am able to listen to music with absolute silence around me, from my sweet spot, for at least an hour a day during my work week and 2 hours each day on weekends.
Retired two years ago this March, every day is the weekend and no shortage of spare time. On top of that, I always put off till tomorrow anything I don't want to do..this leaves me with plenty of time for listening and the WWW.

PS, I do find time to take my wife out to dinner once a week and that seems to keep her very happy...plus, I do try to find time for the sweet spot.

I spend many hours listening to the system every week ... but I'm only in the sweet spot for a few. That's fine by me. First, it's nice to know that I can immerse myself whenever I'm in the mood. Second, a fine system should, IMO, sound very good outside the sweetspot. That's one of my primary decision factors when choosing components. I want to groove to the tunes even when I'm chopping carrots in the kitchen or on the PC gon'ing it with y'all. Happy Listening!
I have a listening room that took years to complete,well almost.Spent huge amounts of time researching,amps,cdp,dacs...ect.Its the comments,reviews and knowledge of others that has been the most help."I SPENT 8HRS IN MY SWEET SPOT LAST NIGHT JUST LISTENING TO MY TUNES.ANYBODY ELSE?"Does nothing for me,but im sure others would benefit greatly...happy listening!