I don't doubt your listening impressions via Star Sound products, you heard what you heard in your system. I'm unaware of any product regardless of review/reputation that has achieved 100% consensus/agreement, never happens. Too many system and listener variables to contend with.
There was a thread on this site in the past where Still Points and Star Sound were compared. Although the majority who tried both preferred SS, some preferred SP, THIS MAKES SENSE TO ME. I haven't experienced the tonal problems you encountered, different ears,room,componrnts etc.The best one can do is try a product for themselves and listen to it in their system. Outcomes will vary as expected.
I don't doubt your listening impressions via Star Sound products, you heard what you heard in your system. I'm unaware of any product regardless of review/reputation that has achieved 100% consensus/agreement, never happens. Too many system and listener variables to contend with.
There was a thread on this site in the past where Still Points and Star Sound were compared. Although the majority who tried both preferred SS, some preferred SP, THIS MAKES SENSE TO ME. I haven't experienced the tonal problems you encountered, different ears,room,componrnts etc.The best one can do is try a product for themselves and listen to it in their system. Outcomes will vary as expected.