How can you take a warp out of a LP?

After 10 years of looking, I finally got a record I have been looking for. The only problem is, it's warped. Any help?
My recommendation is to buy a VPI turntable with the outer ring clamp and stainless steel center clamp. I've had mine operating for less than a week and I'm amazed at how my warped records (out of thousands of LP's, I do have a about 10-15 badly warped ones) now play perfectly. The clamps make all but the worst warping essentially irrelevant.
I have a JA Mitchell SE Spider and I use the record clamp and it plays ok, but it requires me to lift the tone arm to clear the warp. (about 3/16" high)
Well, you can either spend the big bucks ($1,700, I believe) to buy this machine which is designed to eliminate warps,

Or, you can find somebody, or some business, who has this machine, and does this on a per album basis.

(Here is a thought: Buy the machine and start your own business flatenning warps. I too have a record I would like flattened.)

FYI: I read a review in one of the magazines (Stereophile or TAS) that said it worked fairly well.

Good Luck!