How do Dunlavys compared to new stuff?

I attended a Stereophile show in the 90s and the Dunlavy SC-IV was my favorite. I'm considering new speakers (thanks for the help on previous threads) and wondering if in 15 years newer designs have left them behind. How would these compare to similar designs/cost speakers of today?

There are some IIIs for sale, how do they compare to the IV? How much would IVs cost do you think?

I purchased new old stock SC-III.A's about a year ago, replacing Dynaudio Confidence C1. I had never heard this model but I did hear the Aletha at CES several years ago and I've never forgotten that experience. The III.A is the last iteration of the what had been the Aletha. In the past 10 years, I have owned speakers from ProAc, Harbeth, Thiel, JM Reynaud, Dynaudio, Manger, Omega and Green Mountain Audio. I've enjoyed them all and I'm sure there will be other speakers in the future. I'm not going to say something silly like "I couldn't be happier," but I must say that the Dunlavys are the most musically satisfying of the bunch -- or more accurately, my system is now the most musically satisfying (there have been other changes). The quality that I heard at CES is what I'm getting at home, for which I would use terms like natural, organic, tonally true. The resolution is not there in the way that some speakers -- current and past -- deliver, but the total package is really working for me. And I like detail and resolution as a rule, it's just that I like music to have a human, flesh-and-blood quality and the Dunlavys deliver that. And they play well with the widely eclectic music I favor (rock, jazz, classical, folk, world, ambient, avante-garde).

Dunlavy used relatively inexpensive drivers and crossover component and there have certainly been improvements in those areas since the company ceased manufacturing. A friend of mine who has Thiel 3.7's (which sound great) thinks the Dunlavys are hopelessly out of date. But as I say, I'm very happy with them. It comes down to what your sonic priorities are. Which other speakers have you heard that you like?
Thanks for the very thoughtful reply, Drubin. I have been set with my system containing Snell Es since the 90s. It's been a long time since I auditioned stuff so don't remember that well. I do remember liking Vandersteens (ci?), did not like NHTs as they seemed too sterile, and have liked the Proacs I have heard. Listening to many speakers at the Stereophile show, I really can't remember brands or impressions except that I always remembered that late in the day when I heard the Dunlavys I had the experience that I was sure without question they were my preference. My Snells have a sweetness I haven't heard in many speakers, but they lack in detail and imaging (and it could be my placement etc). I just thought I'd like to move up.

Before I changed I would change the internal wiring for something like Cardas and get new binding posts. Spikes or spiked stands might also be a good idea. You would be amazed how much more can be gotten out of equipment, especially speakers, with some simple upgrades. What speaker cables are you using now?