How do the Magnepan 1.7's sound

Anybody hear these at CES and can comment on the sound quality?
these sounded very good for classical and jazz.

haven't heard them with pop/rock yet
I think some mildly worked over 1.6s will beat 'stock' 1.7s hands down.....
I cannot believe the 3d sound and the tonal definition blows away the 1.6s which I had and sold. These are unequivocally the best speakers for the money out there. In fact just got my Absolute sound , the issue which picks systems for different costs, they include the 1.7s in both their $15000 and $40,000 system NO Joking!! They have depth width height and front to back spacing unavailable in even the best loudspeakers available, I am truly in love
Guys. I listened to them thoroughly, hooked to fm acoustic pre amp, esoteric sacd and esoteric solid state amp (80watt).. They have great details and reference quality dinamic. Especially the upper octave, they shine through various genre of musics. However, I found their bottom octave is a little compressed and metalic and edgy(a little too planar or too digital like bass sound).. However, I must admit they produce great transient and dark background, they also were very precise in producing all kind of musical instruments, they are not perfect, but for the money involved, they are wonderful and must be taken into consideration for those looking for quality speakers within the price range..cheers