Part of my devices are unorthodox a part are perfectly well known acoustic principles..
Communicating my discoveries dont means that people will imitate me..,
Most dont own a dedicated room , and dont want to created their own devices because this is unesthetical... and tuning a room ask for time a lot of time... How do you think a professional acoustically design room cost?
My gool was to experiment and learn acoustic , and understand what means for example LEV/ASW ratio...
Only this simple acoustic concept is nowhere to be discussed in all audiogon...
Anyway it is simple : all my 8 headphones even modified had no more interest for me... This is telling something no? no need for a costly mic i would buy to satisfy you tomorrow... Perhaps in the future...
I dont mind if you dont believe me, but if your think about some devices and concepts i spoke about why not experimenting yourself ?
Here you put in my mouth what is not in my posts at all :
Also I don’t understand why you keep comparing your system to others that cost more...stating that for peanuts you revamped your room and significantly improvrdbsound quality without ever having to spend lots of money. That sounds like bragging to me. It’s like you’re mocking other audiophiles that have expensive audio systems...
First: no acoustic method or devices, no vibrations control snd no control over the electrical noise floor will ever transform a cheap amplifier in something that will be an audiophile experience...
Do you think i am dumb?
Only Christ make bread with stone...
Then you misinterpreted and distorted my posts here...Acoustic powerful improvement i was i spoke about...NOT THE GEAR PRICE TAG....
Second i never "bragg" about my gear brand name to be the best there is, only basic very good piece of gear...I loved them yes...
The only think i "bragg" about is the ratio S.Q. /PRICE do you understand what this concept means?
it DOES NOT MEANS that my system can beat the potential high-end one at all, it means my system in a controlled room is NOT SO FAR AWAY BEHIND some high end one... i do not and never equated my system to costly high end potential ... I only say that i am no more ENVIOUS nor frustrated...That says a lot...
Because acoustic ONLY can put a good system on the way to his optimal potential...
But the optimal potential of a 2000 bucks amplifier, so good it is, will not transform it in a 20,000 better one..
Did you catch?
Then stop accusing me of "bragging " about my gear ... i promoted acoustic and psycho-ascoustic method... Inform yourself, read science, experiment ...
Audiophile experience is possible at relatively LOW COST if someone use acoustic principles..There is a MINIMAL acoustic threshold of qualitative experience that anyone can reach WITHOUT MONEY...This treshold quatitative experience is an audiophile experience not so far behind high costly one...
This dont means that i am the idiot you describe equating my system/room to high end one...A high end system in a bad room though may sound fatiguing, over analytic and worst than mine though ...Guess why?
It is not bragging it is simple acoustic experience about timbre perception...