How do you listen to your music?

Curious, other than either doing a random or playlist on an HD based system, do you stack up a pre-selected amount of vinyl/cd before sitting down or do you play as you go, (sometimes clean as you go as well) or, start with the stacks and find one track always leads you to get up and pick another album?
I usually pick 3 or 4 discs for a session and listen to the entire disc. The 3 or 4 usually turns into 5 or more most of the time!! Hi,my name is Tommy,I am a musicholic!!
I'll clean 3 or 4 albums at a time and listen to all tracks, both sides. Loving every minute of it. By the way Cerrot, that's one heck of a system you have there.
Start with a single cd and see where it leads. Almost always play entire album.
At the moment, a moment which has been going on for about three years now, am working through 800+ albums from some friends. So clean, listen and occassionally as the library gets sorted out go back and listen to specific ones. Usually all the way through, but not always.