How do you respond to this question?

If asked, How would you respond to; Why do you listen to vinyl?
My dog is very much in tune with the digital when I play it. His ears twitch to the subtle nuances in the music. He does vinyl as well although pops and clicks or other forms of noise when present seem to bother him. It all gets his attention which tells me I must be doing something right.
Because frankly classical music reproduction simply breaks apart with digital. Even with stellar digital front end.
When I had cats and was playing vinyl they would sit in the listening chair (if I didn't get there first) and look to where the images in the soundstage were coming from. When I put on digital they would leave the room.
"When I put on digital they would leave the room. "

Cat's and dogs can both hear higher frequencies than humans I believe so a cat or dog not digging the sound is probably a good sign something is not right at higher frequencies that might be subtle or not noticeable to human.

My dog is afraid of loud noises like thunder etc. If I played a well recorded thunderstorm sound effect through my system he would not like it.

He likes most soothing types of music though and I can trick him playing animal noise sound effects, etc. 9all digital) if I try.

If it sound good to both people and pets then there is likely good karma all around.