I am confused about the spring loaded adjustment for VTF on the RB300, which I am not familar with. Can you please explain the use of this adjustment on the RB300.
Here is info that came with the Expressmio "The Heavy Weight".
For optimum performance on the RB 300-600--900-1000 set the dial pass 3 (this locks the spring down to prevent vibrations down the arm tube) then set tracking force with gage.
[End of quote.]
Follow Sunnyboy1956 directions from his post.....
09-20-07: Sunnyboy1956
--- and finally installed the Expressmio counter weight. I ended up setting the VTF counter on the RB 300 to max ie 3.5gm and then adjusted the Expressmio to achieve the recommended VTF of 1.6 gm for the Lyra Helikon using a Shure stylus gauge.