How does one "Get lost in the music"?

I seem to have lost the ability over the years. Is there a routine you guys follow to get yourself into that state?

My mind is constantly drifting/thinking when i am listening. My equipment is very musical and hiend in nature so i cant blame my equipment for my inability to get emotionally attached.

I dont expect to get into this state everytime i listen, but would like it to happen at least weekly.

Any advice is much appreciated
Schubert and Tostadosunidos, I wish I could agree and I envy you both. If I could still get lost listening to my car stereo, it would have saved me years of obsessive behavior, untold shock therapy treatments (which I just found out are legal again) and upwards of mumblemumble $XX,000 on gear!

Mapman... I think we should keep that study under wraps lest our Oreos become a controlled substance!
Alonski, maybe it's an age/era thing. I used to go to another world hearing music on a mono AM car radio before there were 8-tracks or cassettes.

I've heard Eric Clapton say that his studio recordings never have the magic of his 4-track cassette demos.