How good is my source?

I have a CAL CL 20 dvd player, since upgrading from my early 90's I've used the Sony 7700, Cal CL 10 and a CAL Alpha w/ a Kinergetics transport, I prefer the CL 20 over my previous sources but I am curious how much better units such as the Wadia 830, the Meridian 508.24 and the Electrocompaniet player are. I've checked some reviews but they haven't been much help. the Wadia review I read said it was on whole other level from players like the CAL but the review I read on the CAL said the differences between it and the Dcs combo where "almost superfical", I find both these comments hard to believe
mike, i have a cal alpha and delta - when i ren it thru and audio research sp-10 into a sonic's frontier amp the synergy is excellent, i.e. the pre-amp and amp soften the high end of the cal alpha. i love the sound for casually listening, especially jazz. i also have a bat vkd5 which i run thru an ear pre and a mesa baron amp and this combination is exceptionally detailed and musical. the bat sounds crappy on the sp10/sf and the cal sounds too bright and high fi'ish on the ear/baron. is the bat that much better - it sure is - is it worth it (used) it sure is, but its still all about synergy and it makes buying without listening a sort of crap shoot. you can do it, but you really need help from reviewers,and users, who's bias is known to you, and can help you with the synergy issue. good luck.
Hi Mike K, and cornfedboy,
Let's keep it civil and spite-free, okay guys? The events of last week have sobered me, and I'm sure you, for the indefinite future. Let's all assume the best about each other, and not bite and spite in the forums, which had really degenerated into namecalling and worse before Audiogon put on the new format. Mike, I think you bought some Audio Research cables from me, so I know you are a nice and civil guy. Please give Cornfed the benefit of the doubt, don't read too much into his message, it was not a call to arms, just his very humble opinion, for you to take or leave (without acrimonious comment). Everyone here has the best of intentions, so please let's all "just get along." The world is too horrible a place for sniping in a forum that only exists for our pleasure, entertainment, education, and possible enlightenment.
Best regards to all, and may the next week be better than the last,
onhwy I see your point as far as a systems synergy is going to represent a good deal of the differences between highend players in any given system, as I mentioned above I guess this is what is lost buying used
Sarah, God Bless. Mkaes, those R 3 different-sounding units you R considering. Unfortunately, I don't know the CL20 to compare & contrast for U... sorry. Also, what kind of music do U listen to?

My preference (I listen to classical, some jazz & blues) would be: Electro (new model), Wadia, Meridian 508.20 (modded PS), Meridian 24. BUT, in my system and for my tastes... AND they R all good players. My "last" could be yr first -- and so it should be if yr ears tell U so. So, Kelly does have a point, just as U do. Anyone there owns 1 of these players to help out?

Good luck!

I am with you on this one.

This is not directed at anyone here in particular, but it just appears to me that Audiogon has become infiltrated with people who simply dont want to do their own homework and listen, or want to find affirming opinions to choices they made. My experince has shown that the same piece of gear can and often does sound different in different environments, room placement, size, shape, cables, ac treatments, isolation devices, all change the end result of a system and a piece of gear. That being said, this is the downside of buying used, you dont have the opportunity to try before you buy. Kinda like a blind date.

On another note, how many times can people post a question here that has been answered ad nauseum in the Archived section. I feel like there are some posters here who if recommended to call Krell service department, would ask what their number was, instead of typing a couple of keys to find out themselves.