It was a mediocre table built for the convenience of multiple arms. Its design is flawed having arms mounted directly above and on top of the feet.
A material added to muddy the vibrations the arm saw is not a brilliant design. Its a bandaid for a design flaw . The material also breaks down and degrades . Its convenience and flash over sound principles.
I have owned the DDX, it's brother the DQX and I have an RX 5000. They all share this basic flaw and require help to attempt to lesson a serious flaw in design to optimize playback.
In my opinion, based on ownership and first hand experience when they were actually more current. ... a mediocre table albeit interesting in looks vs the box plinths of the Era. Many like to oversell their actually ability now , vs the sales hype and glory of the past. If you just want something to have a mm, mc, and a mono cart to enjoy a record collection for the music and get a deal, why not.
If it is to post endlessly how it is better than everything else and makes all belt drives toys...move on...biased ownership doesn't change reality.....