How Good is Walker Extreme SST Contact Enhancer


Showing 2 responses by sirspeedy70680e509

Rushton,I respect your opinions,as I've read quite a few of your posts,and you seem to be quite reliable.I will have an opportunity to hear within 2 weeks the results on EBM's set-up as he is a friend,and I know his system well.Don't get me wrong I don't consider myself a contrarian and hope I come away from that listening session with my hand on my wallet.I just wish that the mark-ups on some(most)of the products in this hobby would seem reasonable to me,and the SST looks like it is rediculously overpriced.However,what do I know,I just bought my wife a 300.00 COACH(FREAKIN')pocketbook!!So who am I to pass judgement.Anyway,thanks for the feedback,and I'll post my own observation,on a system that I'm intimately familiar with,in the future.
Interesting comments,and I'm sure accurate.However how would you guys respond to the OVER THE TOP rave reviews on the SST stuff that positive feedback online magazine gave.Also Arthur Salvatoe of High End Audio Online who is a real sceptic,just gave a preliminary Rave as well.I have not tried this myself,but,have been very interestd in the feedback,and reviews.So,looking at the results,so far,although the feedback in this thread has been reasonably positive,the reviews from the press have been WAY MORE POSITIVE,on a product that most likely has a mark-up way higher than what an illegal drug dealer probably makes.Sort of makes me think alot less of the mainstream press(who I've come increasingly less tolerant of lately anway).Thanks for any further comments.