How important is spending time with your gear?

In another topic we're talking about digital input speakers, and it got me thinking about something entirely different. 

How important is it to spend time physically close to your gear, vs. enjoying it's output?  If you could have your gear in another room, or closet, and you were left with just your speakers with no audible downside would you do it?  Would you put your gear away and enjoy the empty space or do you need the physical closeness?

Clearly turntables make this a challenge, and there will be some poopy heads which don't get the question or can't stretch their imagination but for those who can, would you?


I'll continue the thread drift. The best visual aspect regarding my stereo room is the view out my two windows. It doesn't hurt that the window glass doesn't affect the imaging enough to bother me.

Am I a bad guy for dropping my girlfriend off early so I could go home and listen to my new DAC ?    

it is a sign that perhaps you will keep the dac and throw the girlfriend now or later...



Davidten told me once that every piece of gear he adds to his system are like piece of art, I totally agree with Him.I like to look at my gear daily not when the music is on.

Actually my girl is too cool to get rid of.....  my ex was the one who crushed my audio dreams.    We listen to music all the time together