How many audiophiles bi wire their speakers????

I was wondering if Audiogon member use dedicate cables or amps for the upper and lower drivers?..if so were you pleased with the results?..does different jumpers cables have different sound signatures?...
Hi Wadedwyer,
Good luck with your exams, you know what's going to buy you expensive audio gear in the future!

About the (ahem) intrusive young lady and your gear...lift the ground on your amp (internally as well as externally. Make sure you wear rubber gloves and shoes when doing this.) and put it in an "unacceptable" position in the room. That should end Ms. Buttinski's gear moving for a while and even give her a nice perm.

Kidding, kidding, here, now...but don't you wish, sometimes that...!

Had a similar situation with a love-interest back in college. She just couldn't bear the sight of all that wire on the floor. Well, at least I didn't marry her. Married a messy one instead and it's been bliss.
I have bi-wired my Hales Sig 2's for many years. I have used a cable called Highwire's and IMHO Bi-wiring is definitely the way to go with these particular speakers.
Paul Hales once told me that bi-wiring is better if you can dedicate seperate cables for each in/output.
I bi-wire the B&W N804's in my living room system, but the Coincident Total Victories in the main rig are single-wired. The designer says that the only reason to bi-wire a pair of properly designed speakers is if you eventually want to bi-amp. I know many disagrere, but beased on the sound of my TVs I can't imagine that bi-wiring would add anything to them.
You mean that you don't have t bi-wire and you can still be considered an audiophile? Who woulda thunk it??? : ) Sean
There are no universal truths here, there can be noticable improvement bi-wiring but it depends on the crossover design of each speaker, some benefit more others hardly any.

Even when benefits are realized you have to determine if they are greater than just spending 2X as much for better main speaker cables......some speaker designers take the decision out of your control and only offer one pair of binding posts.