WAF means I have Revel F50's instead of Studios in the main system.
WAF is aided with speakers that have good off axis response` so that music can be enjoyed while attending to life's chores, and not only while un the sweet spot.
On our first dates, I tested my then-girlfriend-now-esposa's tolerance of music in all its worst guises: loud, eclectic, experimental, morning noon and night. She passed the hard tests with ease, so normal listening was a cakewalk.
If music is a huge part of your life, you owe it to yourself and your potential partner to do a thorough audition.
8 years, 1 wife, 1 child, 1 cat, 4 stereos (not including car).
WAF is aided with speakers that have good off axis response` so that music can be enjoyed while attending to life's chores, and not only while un the sweet spot.
On our first dates, I tested my then-girlfriend-now-esposa's tolerance of music in all its worst guises: loud, eclectic, experimental, morning noon and night. She passed the hard tests with ease, so normal listening was a cakewalk.
If music is a huge part of your life, you owe it to yourself and your potential partner to do a thorough audition.
8 years, 1 wife, 1 child, 1 cat, 4 stereos (not including car).