How many speakers and AMPS do you own, and why?

This question is one of curiosity, and those that answer or reply must have only one dedicated room in which they listen, no second systems set up etc..I'm generally wondering if I'm the only nut that has numerous pairs of speakers and amps (integrated and seperates). I find it hard to part with them, no rational reason why. Maybe I'm a hoarder, or maybe I'm a collector, or maybe I'm just insane. 


2 pairs of speakers. 2 integrates and 2 turntables 2 Phono PreAmps. . Just stuff I have.

I think I get your question… although I have an library headphone system and office system.

I absolutely only own one pair speakers, preamp, DAC, etc., and one amp for my main system. I would never own two or three sets of speakers or amps. My objective is to have the best possible sound… not a bunch of mediocre equipment producing different versions of mediocre sound. When I decide to upgrade my speakers (or whatever) I do enormous amount of research and always reach up a level or two. I trade in my old speakers… scrap together as much money as I can and move up.

I have tried different equipment at the same level and it is a complete waste of money. If you do your research and buy the best sounding equipment you can at the price level you can afford, there is a direct correlation between how much you spend and the sound quality. So, having a bunch of stuff around is just having lots of stuff with different weaknesses.


I have been in this pursuit for 50 years and my systems have relentlessly sounded better and better. Except when I tried investing sideways. My rule is if I am going to upgrade always make sure it is 2x or more… or don’t do it.


Ok, I still have my first high end purchase… a Marantz 2040 integrated amp that I purchased in 1972… it has been collecting dust since 1978. I should have sold it.

I used to keep stuff, and I do miss a few items, my First system for instance, a Marantz 2020, Pioneer turntable with a Shure cartridge, and Advent speakers, but more for nostalgia reasons then anything. So I found it was much more useful to sell the old stuff and use the money to upgrade my main system.

Great replies thus far! Most get the accumulation of stuff not being used, for say, in a second or third system some place else in the house. Just stuff for whatever reason you cannot part with....

For instance, I have 5 turntables, all worth about the same, yet I can only listen to one...I realize I could sell all 5 and spend the money on one that may be substantially better, however I cannot bring myself to part with them...maybe I like the variety of having different types and/or flavors...


"So, having a bunch of stuff around is just having lots of stuff with different weaknesses."

Great point, and something I have not given much thought about....

I have 2 sets of speakers, 3 amps. Keep the extra speakers since major pain to box up and ship, three amps for back ups in case of possible power tube failures. I only have one set of boutique tubes for each, don't care to listen to second rate tubes.