Mystang - "I'm using 6 amps when my system is playing music" something doesn't add up - If you use class A amp then your supply power is always the same with or without music but if your amp is class AB then your average power is in order of few watts and cannot possibly be 732 watts. Since average power of the music runs in order of few percent of the peak power your amp is likely to be class A (about 50W per channel) or similar wasteful scheme.
How many watts is my system using?
My power conditioner shows an average of 122 volts and it also shows I'am using 6 amps when my system is playing music. So I multiply 6 amps times 122 volts and get 732 watts being used is this correct? If so here is my Question At what rate am I using these 732 watts Per second? per minute? Any help greatly appreciated.
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