How much difference in sound?

I have a lower end amp ( Parasound 5125 ). How much sound difference would I hear with say, a $1000 or $1500 or even a $2000 used amp? I'm trying to slowly move up in quality , but I want to make sure I can hear the move up.

I also have a Nad C720 Bee
Look around on agon there are so many nice amps to pick from,yes you will notice a big change,much bigger then a cd player change
I respectfully disagree - at least in my listening experience, I found the source to be quite important part of the chain !

The onkyo CDP is holding you back - while the rest of the system is good mid-fi.

If you get something like this, you will definitely hear a difference - hopefully satisfied enough not to upgrade, at least for a some time.

I don't know which one is better - you might want to read reviews on them - but I have 7000 series, and I simply adore it!

Hope this helps...

What's lost upstream (at the source) cannot be recovered downstream (amp/speaker end). That said, upgrade should occur at the weakest link of the chain--whatever it may be in a given system.

But once you have a decent cd player, at that point thwen is when you notice just how big a difference a nice amp will do.
Garbage in/garbage out .
I would suggest that you get the best CDP used , that you can afford , and a decent set of IC's . You will hear the difference and what the rest of your equipment is capable of sounding like . A solid/well built unit with digital out should take you down the road for quite a while and is able to be altered by the addition of a DAC if you care for change .

Speakers and amps can change a signal from the source but they can not do much to improve it . If you want to truly 'build' a system I think that you should start with supplying your system with the best signal that you can afford . Then at least you will hear what the rest of your components are capable of rather than limiting their ability .

Good luck .