How often do you upgrade turntable ?

The table itself, not arm or cartridge.

And when you do, how far do you go ? Big steps, small steps ?

I got my Nottingham Spacedeck more than ten years ago and have no intention to replace it. I would have to jump high for the upgrade to make sense. One day perhaps.


Had to buy a new Turntable in 2008 to replace my Pink Triangle Anniversary that was destroyed in a move. Bought an SME 10. I've been using the same SME V arm since 1996 and just recently bought a new cartridge after using one for 25yrs.

No plans to replace the unless something catestrophic happens.

I bought a VPI HW MK II in 1985. 

I upgraded to a VPI HW MK IV in 2005. 

I am still using it. 

in the 1980s, Lenco hand-me down from my grandmother.

~1996/7 Project 6.1

2018 a Thorens 203 POS based on recommendation of a local Hi-End shop: lesson: don't trust brick and mortar shops.

2020 VPI super prime scout: wanted VTA on the fly, turns out it does nothing for me. SoundSmith Zephyr cart.

2024 Rega Naia package. Endgame. Don't think I will buy another deck ever again.