How old are you?

No age is too young or too old. Just general curiosity about the average age of Audiogon members. 

I’ll start. I’m 39.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtoro3
When the greek legislator Solon studied in Sais, the Egyptian high priest say to him that the Greek indeed were very young because they know only one worldwide flood in their short history....

Perhaps here many are more youmg than they think....

i am always 69 +few months....I remember no worlwide flood......

I see. So does your caretaker know approximately when dementia set in?
73...As we age our brain continues to process music even if suffering from advanced forms of functional brain diseases.  Altzhiemer's studies show the hearing centers in the brain are the last to go!  So if your ears work you may find, as I have, when your knees, and eyes, and lower back give out, as they will without exception if you live long and whether you prosper or not...  I can still get a platter on the turntable or a disc in the CD or tune-in public radio stations for symphonies, jazz and blues...and make it back to my chair.  Where is that Beefheart album?  Turn it up.