How should I go about adding a dedicated ground?

I'm considering adding dedicated grounds to my already dedicated lines. If I do, I may add a dedicated ground for each line I have installed. Is there a huge benefit to having dedicated grounds for each dedicated line vs just one dedicated ground? How far into the ground do I have to drive the rod for the ground to be effective (fyi..I live in Wash, DC)?

I'm considering drilling holes in the concrete in my laundry room & pounding some grounding steaks in the laundry room for the sake of "easiness," but I'm not sure I have the room to swing a sledge hammer in this tight space. I guess it depends how long of a grounding rod I need & how deep it needs to go in the ground. How thick does the rod need to be? What's the best way to attach the ground wire to the rod? For everyone that has added dedicated grounds, should I expect a huge benefit/another veil lifted?
My suggestion is please don't do it. I have said this many times before. Having separate grounding rods for different power lines is a violation of the safety code and is dangerous. The sonic benefits, if there is any, are not worth the risks. Good health is the foundation of long-term music enjoyments. Please be careful.
Everything has got to be safety first! I'm prying for help & information.

What about adding a dedicated ground & keeping the ground attached at the electric box for a total of two grounds on the dedicated outlet? I think this would protect me but does it defeat the purpose of adding another ground? I spoke with my electrician and he suggested this to me. He also suggested using 8 guage wire to the dedicated ground because the ground would follow the path of least resistance. Would this reduce noise and still protect me in the event of a mishap?
I have to agree with Sidssp. An isolated ground could result in a voltage potential difference with the neutral, which by code must be the same as ground. As I have said before, my system has a dedicated 20 amp line, is all code, has no cheater plugs and is dead quiet.
Your electrician, if he is licensed, should know that ground (rod) lines interconnected to the main panel as required by code have minimun (6 guage or larger) sizing requirements dependent upon the amp capacity of the main panel. He will also be familiar with the standard 5/8 inch by 8 foot copper clad steel rod that is required. My suggestion is to drive the rod outside the house a minimun 1 foot beyond the roof splash line so that the rod is surrounded by damp soil which will increase it's effectiveness.
I just added two dedicated lines, after checking the threads here and at AA did not use a seperate ground, I have an unused 10 foot grounding rod in my garage right now. I used AC outlets with isolated ground straps, which prevents the outlets from being grounded to the outlet box and grounds them directly to your main AC panel ( ). All is dead quiet here.