How to best use Magnepan MMG in 2ch/5.1 system?

I'm starting from the ground up and need some advice on how to integrate Magnepan MMG, MMG-W, and/or MMG-C planars into a dual purpose setup. I've considered the particular Maggies for the job...maybe MMGs for R/L, MMG-C for center and MMG-Ws for surround? All MMG-Ws?

I'm also unsure whether to go with a 4-ohm capable receiver or a separate processor and amplifier(s). I've also looked at running an Onix SP3 integrated tube amp through receiver preouts.

I've begun to go cross-eyed with the seemingly endless number of options and would love to hear from those who use Magnepans for audio AND home theater enjoyment.

You could get a great HT pre/pro and use that... that's what I did. Krell HTS 7.1 sounds amazing in stereo and in HT, doesn't decode the new formats and not HDMI, but you can run the video source direct to display or use a video processor for switching and use the 7.1-channel input from a BR player analog out. The Krell is so good, that I can't tell the difference between running my Wadia 830 directly into the amp, or running it via the HTS 7.1...
I can't speak about the surround speaker options, but I (sometimes) use MMGs with subs in my 2 channel set-up and the combo is very, very good. The trick (especially for music) is optimizing the x-over.

Personally, I'd look for a pre-pro or HTR with an adjustable x-over for flexibility and/or with Digital Room Correction (like Audyssey). These features represent 2 different ways to help insure a seamless cross between the MMGs and Subs when listening to music. Of course, DRC also cleans up response anomalies. I understand that the DRC thing is a philosphical issue for some folks - so YMMV on that one.

If you pass on DRC (or defeat it for music listening), dual subs wouldn't hurt, since careful placement of 2 subs is useful in smoothing bass response for music listening. This will lessen, but not eliminate, the benefits of DRC and allow a more "purist" (i.e. non-eq'd) signal path, if that floats your boat.

One final piece of advice re: amps (or amp section of your HTR)

More power and more current is always a good thing for Maggies.

Good Luck

Thanks for the insight, much appreciated.

I'm considering the old Rotel RSX1065 to take care of signal processing and amplification. It's quite robust (and retailed for about $2k before being updated, now much less). The rear panel has a label that stipulates 4-ohm minimum impedence...and word on the street it that it's a huge, heavy piece of equipment. I've read some stories of people running 4-ohm speakers with it as well.
YMMV, but the Magnepans image so well, I do not believe a center channel is necessary. I ran my MG-IIas on a dual-use system and then tried my MG-3.5Rs in a similar set-up. Sublime in both applications.