How to choose the kind of cables for your system?

I am one that believes that cables do make a difference in my system - it either make it or haiz ... lose it...?

How much to spend? is there a gauge... hope your hear your views on this...

Shop at Blue Jeans cable and be done. Read what they have to say about cables. If you just want to spend money for bragging rights, get the ones with the highest MSRP.
I think you need to audition the Silver Resolutions from Signal Cables. Very reasonable and outstanding performance. Talk to John, he can suggest you based on your equipment and requirement.
I cant bring myself to spend more than 500.00 for any cable.For me it just does not make good sense to spend more than that.
Elizabeth, you have a nice set-up, and I respect your oppinion so I'm going to take a second look at the pangea cords. They have gotten some not so great reviews though, as some have found them to be too bright sounding after they are broken in, but again, I respect your oppinion more as I feel like I know you more than them. Do you have any experience with the signal cable powercords? I recently bought some signal cable silver resolution xlr's and love them, so I was thinking about giving their powercords a shot too, but maybe I should just go the pangea route instead...