How to get the impact of a live concert?

Yes, I know, big speakers, lots of power. : ) But I really am looking to "feel" the dynamics of the music, like you would at a concert. I'm not only talking about bass, although that is certainly a part of it. My wife and I were at Dave Matthews Band concert last night and it always amazes me, how impactful music is when it's live. Obviously, I understand they have a LOT of power driving a LOT of speakers, but they were filling the whole outdoors (outside venue). I'm only trying to fill my listening room. Would a good sub help? Different speakers?

I currently have Gallo Reference 3.1's and Klipchs Forte II's (Crites mods) driven by a Musical Fidelity Nu-Vista M3.

Well if you read the text in the link there are some information about hat I think differs my designs form the rest of them. Live sound to me is very dynamic and to do dynamics you need driver radiation area and power to move it accurately. We make both.

If its appropriate or not to bring a sales pitch to a forum I guess depends on how you look at it - I see nothing wrong with it, for one it could be that the OP did not know about my speakers - actually probably highly likely that he did not, now he does. Of course I hope he does some research and then decide if he wants to go further with it. If I went in stealth and touted how great they were well that would not be approiate - however my screen moniker would probably make it easy to put two and two together anyway.

I frequently post in these forums about what we make as it is my job to create awareness about our product - back in the days of the good old Audiogon I advertised on the site but with the new layout I don't see it as valuable tool.

As always

Good Listening


Personally I think it great that vendors participate in teh forums as long as they are forthright about it which you were.

Hopefully audiogon gets past the malaise that the very poorly conceived and executed recent "big bang" site upgrade seemingly created.
Here's some reality...relatively "uncompressed" sound is one difference that the live stuff gives you...and NO home audio speaker I know of could handle even one live miked kick drum thump without exploding...none. need extreme "pro" drivers for that with huge voice coils and proper acoustic loading to get anything close to live uncompressed thump, and, frankly, I don't personally care to use that in my sweet little hifi rig. If you want live sound, hire musicians.
If you're looking for "rock concert impact" (ala the Dave Matthews show you cite in the OP) without (near) rock concert SPL, I think you're sunk. That impact is largely a function of the very high SPL.

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