How to Improve Gain for RCA on Preamp. Can it be done?

I own a Schiit Freya+ which I use as a preamp to my active speakers.  I use the balanced XLR from my Freya+ to my actives (which have balanced XLR).

 The Freya+ has XLR inputs and RCA inputs but I have noticed a large difference in gain between the two. Specifically, I have looked at the following two scenarios:

A) source > balanced XLR in Freya+ > balanced XLR out > actives
B) source > RCA in Freya+ > balanced XLR out > actives

I observe a large difference in gain between (A) and (B) even when using the tube stage of the Freya+ (I almost always use the tube stage as it sounds the best and gives best gain).

For source, I have used my ADI-2 DAC FS which has both XLR and RCA out.  

The problem comes with my TT.  When I connect the phono stage by RCA to the Freya+, I have to turn the Freya+ all the way nearly to the limit to get satisfactory dB.  But directly connecting my phono stage to the actives (which also support RCA) gives excellent dB. 

The problem is I am purchasing new actives (Genelec 8351B) which support XLR but not RCA.  Therefore, my question is as follows:

Is there a way to improve gain on a preamp using RCA?  Is this problem that I am experiencing specific to the Freya+ or is this a general loss of gain (I am guessing 15 dB) that always accompanies RCA.  Are there preamps that would mitigate this?  I am willing to buy another preamp if so.   Let's say 3K for a new preamp as a round number.


Showing 1 response by fuzztone

The Sanders preamp will mitigate attenuation mismatches. Each input can be set to equal the others. Just keep it powered up because it does not write to eproms.


Get a phono pre that is adjustable. Or get a higher output cart.


Chuckie can keep his inconvenience.