How to physically move large heavy 100lb amplifiers easily (up and downstairs)

Ideally with only one person, but even with 2 especially if there are stairs involved, how can I move this gear without breaking my back or hurting myself?
Yes. This is ridiculous. Injuries are
difficult to get over once you're over 40. After 50 they can threaten to become permanently debilitating.
Well said!
LOL You can cut the weight in half by just STARTING. That’s half the job..

I’m just glad it’s not heavy, really. Folks have talk you into it being heavy, it’s not. It’s 100 pounds... OK...

You got your skinny butt, or your FAT butt, or (if one butt cheek is bigger than the other) off the couch, chair, or bucket, to go relieve yourself, now go the extra 15 feet and move towards the AMP... MOVE towards the amp... OP.....

NOW put your hands on the amp....

Push the amp... IT moves 2" INCHES good , your halfway there! YUP your halfway there. NOW if you want the other HALF, that’s gonna cost ya, this is a UNION job, there is a slow down, at the negotiation table...

COVID, guidelines clearly state........................LOL ;-)

Enjoy the new stuff.. I just got a bunch of new GSR Planar Neo3, and 10s. Play time for me... 10 @ 111.00 for neo 10 planar drivers.. Oh yea.. Even a price break... 

New monitors coming up...

Get your wife to move it!
Seriously though; I'm lucky as I'm still able to move up to 200 lbs. by myself. I just carried two Pioneer speakers up a long flight of stairs. I was huffing and puffing a bit, I admit.
I can't see hiring two young people to do the job. I can picture it already. BANG, BUMP! DROP!
 I have a scar on my arm from where my Pass 250.8 heat sinks dug in when I picked it up.Oh the dangers of being an audiophile/
I have similar problems moving equipment from my lab to my music room. Forty pounds with a dolly is my absolute limit. For the 90 pound platter and 100 pound speakers, ALWAYS use movers. ALWAYS.
There's something called a "laddervator". I've seen roofers use them, and the Dutch use them when moving. I've never seen them used inside one's home, but perhaps their are smaller ones one can rent: