How to reply to questions about stereo cost?

How much did you pay for that? I could by a car for that. We already have a car.
You could send your kids to college for that much money.
My kids are lazy and stupid. They think they are gonna inherit the money I'm spending on this stereo.
What does your wife say? I can't hear when the stereo is playing.
It's already depreciated. I bought it used.
I usually say 'you don't want to know'. to my friends in the business, I don't need to say, and my wife lets me buy anything I want for my systems....
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I stopped giving amounts. People just don't get it. I guess most people are just judgemental. The same peoople that look at me like I have two heads when I tell them my cart costs $1,300 are the same ones that spend hundreds of dollars going out to eat and thousands of dollars travelling. I would NEVER do that with my money (I would if I had enough for everything) but, "get it" if other people do. Seems though that, most folks think; "Why would you spend thousands of dollars on a HiFi system when you can just go to Best Buy and get the whole thing for $500?????
Better on stereo components than oversized plasma TV and cable bill once a month and a million channels that never get watched.