How to stop upgrading and aviod going bankrupt????

So I've built my system, and I love it. I don't want to get into the whole buy/sell/buy loop where I am constatly upgrading, and I certainly don't have the money to do so. But I am obsessed.

I love reading about high end audio, but it's not THAT satisfying. I can't keep running into my dealer's to hear things if I know I am not going to buy. It's not fair to him. And I keep hearing about new products coming out, and wonder if they are better than what I have. Maybe I should stop reading, but I enjoy it.

How do you deal with the upgrade bug?
Maybe this will help... a wise old audiophile once told me that the pleasure is not in having great equipment that plays wonderful music. The pleasure is in having all that at bargain prices. The search for the knowledge and experience that makes me able to spot a musical deal-in-a-million, where most others wouldn't, is what keeps me from spending.

They're rare, even here, such deals, but they do exist. Not that I really know a lot, but there are two up right now even as we speak, and I am having fun just watching them.
I don't know how to say this politely, grow up. Don't buy into the hype, escape the materialistic advertising tcrap. Try not to over invest in fleeting joys that will only depreciate in value. Try to invest in things that appreciate in value. All this stuff is supposed to serve you, not the other way around. Make sound decisions, and live with them. Obsession is an illness. That you've recognized it, is a good start. Take long walks in beautifull settings. Good luck and best wishes.
Realize your system is never going to sound like live music so what is the point of chasing diminishing returns when you can decide 'for free' that you are going to be content with what you have and enjoy it. Remember , most of the people in the world will never earn what your system cost, and there is a good possibility that they are better people for it.

Choose to be content...

and buy a racoon!
This issue affects many of us. Try shifting your focus and obsessive compulsive desire to a related and even more important aspect of this field. One that will prove more rewarding in no time. The art of "listening ". Take all the jargon and ideas you have learned and put them to use . If you listen with your eyes open then you have a long way to go . And in your case that is good . Calm down when iistening. Follow a ritual when listening. I warm up my equipment for an hour . In that hour I read or reread an article that teaches me something. NOT an equipment review. I have a glass of wine but never too much alcohol during the session. When I am ready I ALWAYS sit in silence for a minute or two with my eyes closed . Always . I can not over state this as it opens your mind. I erase any thoughts during this moment. First I listen to a familiar track that is quiet and full of air and ambient clues about the recording space that will draw my mind and conscious deeper into the music . Keeping your eyes closed is mandatory . Concentrate and what helps me is the abstract construction of the space in my mind. I see instruments where they are suppose to be and memorize their positions as the event unfolds. I say event because your obsession should be about the musical experience you are atempting to achieve through this conquest of equipment aquisitions. Not the rush of a new piece of gear. What I am getting at is that you can be rewarded tremendously by learning just HOW to appreciate what you are obsessing over but seem to be stuck . Utilize the tools you already have. The years of reading and listening at home , the stereo stores and listening at a freiends home .The reading of these forums and exchanges as well as your ever evolving knowlege base should all tie together to set this next phase in motion and ........get this .....its free. Put it all to better use and re focus INTO your music through your mind. It will expand you intellectually and make your investment come alive. Also re direct whatever income you are allocating to stereo equipment and put it into software purchases or a nice Rado watch or whatever turns you on... and savor it .... Also Mejames is dead on . Hope this helps.
"Good evening, my name is (**88***), and I am an Audiophile!

Response, "Hello (***88***)"

Jeez, has Audiogon become AA, as in 'Audiophiles Anonymous'