I run into this quite often. Tribalism.
Be it music types (Jazz, Blues, Classical, Rock, R&B), audio equipment type ( solid state, tube, digital, analog), cars and car enthusiast (Fords, Chevy, Mopar, BMW, Mercedes, etc.)
People have their favorites.
As far as music goes. I really don't care. As the saying goes, I like music that sounds good. I grew up with Classical, R&B and Jazz. Played violin (first chair), sax, oboe, etc. The house growing up was filled with Jazz and R&B and some Rock.
To each their own.
Equipment. Tube or solid state? Don't care. I'm an Engineer and design/designed equipment. Solid state sounds just as good as tubed to me. If it is designed and built well, that's all that matters to me. I can think of some great solid state equipment that I would love to have. Same is true for some tube equipment.
I have listened to some of the best solid state and tubed systems. All I can say is if they are true to the recordings and the system disappears and all you hear is the music, then I'm there.
I've restored Mopars and own a 1970 Plymouth Barracuda completely restored (five year restoration). I can say in my own Mopar car club there are those that dislike anything non Mopar. To me that is ridiculous. A nice classic car or nicely restored car is a wonderful thing. I always ask them, so you don't like Chevys huh? What if someone gave you the keys to a completely restored 1963 Chevy Split Window Corvette. Would you not take it?? To a person, their answer is, they would absolutely take it. Or a Tucker or a 34 Packard, or a gull wing Mercedes.
Life is too short for tribes. Enjoy the day, enjoy the ride and enjoy the music.