How will the COVID-19 pandemic affect sites like Audiogon?

One would think that with social distancing and shelter in place policies, there has never been a better time for upgrading and enjoying your audio system.   But is now the time to buy and sell?  The mass unemployment and economic distress accompanying the pandemic seems certain to undermine what is essentially a luxury market encompassing both gearheads and music lovers?  What effects on buying and selling audio gear — both short and long term — can we foresee?
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Quebec is now the most infected virus province in Canada....Difficult times for all....I go out one hour to walk swiftly point a to b and return...I think a lot, I read, and I am depressed by the sheer number of those who suffers in the world right now... And I am amazed, astounded, flabbergasted by the stupidity of many....Hydroxychloroquine has been studied for decade, and was given without prescription to million of travelers around the world without problem...

I study all the bad faith, and jealousy, enviousness, around the publication of Dr. Raoult, in France....The creator of the treatment of covid 19 with hydroxychloroquine....It was pure hypocrisy in the cercle of power in France… The Professor «In early 2019, on Google Scholar citations,has accumulated more than 135,397 citations and an h index of 166,115.

It is also included in the list of “Highly Cited Researchers” of Clarivate Analytics116, which lists the researchers who most influence research in their fields, and whose publications are among the 1% most consulted in academic journals. He appears there as one of the 99 world microbiologists and one of the 73 most highly cited French scientists117,118. (google translate of Wikipedia).

The professor inspired the Chinese doctors that has use the hydroxychloroquine with success and published a success story to alert the world for a needed cheap and efficient treatment....

The other story i study is the absolute mess of the Trump actions, yesterday he tweet that if the therapeutic appear worst than the disease, all will return to normal work in 15 days....This stupidity and ignorance about the disease is so great that it is impossible to exaggerate about it...

Some criticize my use of the word psychopath about Trump and corrected me with the word sociopath....Unbeknownst to them is the fact that sociopath has a conscience, even if they are very agressive and are never very amicable... this definition in the internet is very good : «Psychopaths tend to be more manipulative, can be seen by others as more charming, lead a semblance of a normal life, and minimize risk in criminal activities. Sociopaths tend to be more erratic, rage-prone, and unable to lead as much of a normal life.»
The category where to put it between the 2 is evident.... The number of times where is lack of heart toward others is manifest and too easy to look for to be counted...People die and he think about the cost in dollars that he gives to be president in a self pity rant....This is one example... There are plenty....

I am so sorry for us and for the world....Solidarity is the only glimpse of light , and the heroic bravery of health personal...

Audiogon gives to us the comfort of music and the passion about sound miracles in dark times, and we can speak our mind now here also, then thanks to the cleverness and general patience of the moderators in these times... I want to say that I accept all their decisions about my posts with total compliance and understanding even if they erase them when they deem it necessary... Thanks to them whatsoever....
People, companies and markets prefer certainty as a prerequisite to substantial buying and investment. 

We are are at least a few weeks and probably longer for enough certainty to give people some level of comfort. As a result, the purchase of big ticket items will be in a pause as they were in 2098/2009 after that debacle. 

The two two pieces of promising news are that massive effort is being applied to ventilators, treatment drugs and vaccines... and the Fed is committed to $Trillions if need be to keep the economy from crashing into a 2nd Great Depression. 

In the mean time, what we can offer each other is civility and support.