hum from nearby high-tension wires?


I live about 100 feet or so from a high-tension electrical transmission setup that carries power to a local university. There is also a large transformer station of some kind about 200 feet away.

I have been having pernicious hum problems that do not respond to any of the recommended treatments, and I'm wondering if they could be due to the transmission line or power station. And if they are, what can I do about it?

I would appreciate any comments/suggestions

Showing 4 responses by jea48

>>"These aren't the monster tower kind of transmission lines for long distances, they are local distribution type within city limits that have lower emissions."<<

Just curious how high off the ground would you say the power lines are?

How long are the insulators that the wires are supported by?

>>"There is also a large transformer station of some kind about 200 feet away."<<

That sounds like a Substation. Just an example of a Substation in a residential area, 3 phase 69KV feeding the Substation 7.2KV/13.2KV 3 phase 4 wire out.

Substation near a large university could be 169KV feeding the Substation.

Best guess, how high are the power lines, and the size of the insulators?
I agree with Aball. If you have a metallic main incoming water line that should be your main earth grounding electrode. Call an electrical contractor and have him check all the earth ground connections, both ends.

Be careful messing with the earth ground connections. Sometimes a difference of potential, voltage, can exist between the ground wire/s, (grounding electrode conductor/s), and the earth ground/s, (grounding electrode/s).

01-31-06: Steverw
>>"Jea48: maybe 80 feet high. Insulator about the height of a large owl or hawk (maybe a foot?) (I often see them sitting on the line)."<<

Sure sounds like 69KV. No Kite flying near those lines.
Steverw, have you called someone out yet to check your grounding?

What part of the country do you live?

With a plastic main incoming water line you should have a minimum of two 8ft ground rods. One wire coming from your main electrical panel to one of the grd rods and continuing to the next.
Minimum of 6ft apart, 8 to 10ft apart is better. Three or more ground rods is better.

If you have not called someone to come out yet, when you do have the electrician verify just how many grd rods you have. Unearthing the tops of the rods, cleaning and reterminating them as needed.

Depending on what part of the country you live, soil conditions is very important for the type of earth grounding electrode system you have. And depending how old your home is the electrician will be able to advise you what is now required by local codes for your area.

Also while the electrician is there have him check and tighten all termination in the main electrical panel.
Steverw, I have no idea what to tell you. The Electrical contractors in your area must know how to deal with your situation. They should come out to your home for free and give you an estimate on how much it would cost to fix your problem. Ask lots of questions, don't be shy. What kind of electrical earth grounding Electrode system do they recommend? How deep will they need to go? How much $$$$.

Here is a Link to some NECA/IBEW electrical contractors in your area I believe. Did you call any of these? I think you will have the best luck with a Commercial/Industrial Electrical Contractor.
Are any of them in your area?

You have one hell of alot of power around you. I guarantee you that Substation has earth grounding up the Ying Yang, lightning protection.

What ever you do to solve you problem post back and let us know what you ended up doing.